God’s Breath of Life
The original of the “Word of Life in God’s Breath of Life” is CHAY and is in plural. This may refer to the fact that the IN-BREATHED OF GOD provide a Twofold life from God namely: the life of the flesh and the life of the soul. Thus, Lord Josus Christ said: Fear not those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both Soul and Body in hell - Matthew 10:28
Conjoint Spirit and Soul
The formed man of dust from the ground received Twofold Life from God. These are the life of the flesh and the life of the man’s Soul. The life of the flesh is in the blood while the life of the soul is in the Spirit conjoint with the soul - Leviticus 17:11; John 6:63. As seen as the Breath of Life which become man’s Spirit and Soul come into contact with man’s body, the life of the flesh is produce through the blood.
Wages of Sin is Death
The formed man of dust from the ground refers to man’s body; the God’s Breath into his nostrils is the Breath of Life for the flesh developed through his blood and life for man’s soul from the conjoint Spirit, thus man become a Living Soul. This is before eating the forbidden fruit or before sin committed. Then Adam and Eve committed sin and the wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23. This “death” refers to the death of their soul while their physical body is still alive because the WORD OF GOD is very sharp (i.e. for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die - Genesis. 2:17); piercing as far as the division of Soul and Spirit - Hebrews 4:12. Eventually, the Spirit that gives life to the soul left as a punishment of their sin. Thus, their soul died instantly even though they are still physically alive.
Death Reign From Adam to Moses
Just as through One man sin enter the world, and the death through sin, and thus death spread to All men, because All sinned (i.e. from Adam up to the 20 years old and above as of 30 A.D.; parallel in Numbers 14:29-35, as a shadow of the 70 A.D. judgement). The death reigned from Adam to Moses (i.e. frem Adam to 70 A.D.), even those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him (i.e. Christ) who was come - Romans 5:12-14.
Death of the Soul
The death that reigned from Adam to Moses is no other than the “Death of the Soul” beause until now the death of the physical body is in continuance. The Death of the Soul ended in 30 A.D., in fact Lord Jesus Christ said in 31 A.D. “You left your house because of Me and the gospel, now at the Age To Come you will received eternal life” - Mark 10:30. And ALL (i.e. all 19 years old and below as of 30 A.D., parallel Numbers 14:29-31) received the FREE GIFT which is the eternal life of their soul - Romans 5:18 & Romans 6:23. For as in Adam All die, so in Christ ALL will be made alive - 1 Corinthians. 15:22
- “the formed man of dust from the ground” - not man yet since there has no life
- “the formed man of dust from the ground” received life through his blood” => man
- “the formed man of dust from the ground” - not a living soul yet since there has no life
- “the formed man of dust from the ground received the breath of life” - man becomes living soul